Hello there beautiful people, today I’m going to give you six ways to be an organized person in your everyday life!

1. Use a planner :

Buy a planner or just make one yourself according to your needs. You can customize them a little bit for that good feeling you get out of doing some creative stuff. Use them with sticky notes for more efficiency. 

2. Make a To-do list : Write down the things you need to do tomorrow. Plan ahead, like when you’re about to go to sleep. This way you can cut off the stress it will cause on a fresh day. Don’t just make a to-do list. Complete it. 

3. Organizational Apps : Go to the play store/app store and you’ll find a lot of apps to stay organized. Your phone is always around you and so will this app be. Planner pro and evernote pro are some free apps you’ll find. 

The evernote app. 

4. Workplace for home : Yes! Find a quiet place in  your home like a desk or the chair in your balcony. Do all your thinking work at this place when you’re at home. This doesn’t sound like a good idea but trust me it works. 

5. Declutter : Throw away or give it to the needy what you don’t need. Just keep the things that you really need. This way you’ll make place for new stuff you’re about to buy. Remember, a small house with the items you need is any day better than a big house with stuff you don’t need. 

6. Classify folders : Make separate folders for every type of documents and label them. You’ll never know what paper you’ll need at any time. Keep your certificates in a folder, User Manuals in the other, bills and receipts in another folder. It’ll be easy to find them when you need. Suit them according to your needs. 

These are my tips for being organized. Use them wisely!